UNITY HARMONY CREW and Morning Star children "Share the Love" on International Women's Day

March 8 - a special day for women around the world, as well as for the children at Morning Star Center and the kind, hardworking mothers who accompany them every day on their educational journey and personal development.

On March 4, 2024, students from the Unity Harmony Crew group, class IA1807 of FPT University paid a visit to the center, gave presents and guided our young students in making cards for International Women's Day. The group’s Share the Love project has brought a lot of joy and excitement to the children when they were able to design their own greeting cards to express their love for their mothers - the most important women in their lives.

Morning Star children excitedly crafted 8/3 cards according to FPT students' guidance

Now that March 8 is coming soon, please give your mothers these self-made cards and congratulate them!

The Board of Directors, parents and students at Morning Star Center would like to send our sincere thanks to the Unity Harmony Crew team for organizing an extremely meaningful and useful activity for the children. On this day, the Center would also like to wish the group's female students a very happy March 8th! 



Director Do Thuy Lan and Morning Star students took commemorative photos with Unity Harmony Crew

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