ESDM early intervention model training & practice with expert Fanny Mayjonade of Fondation Pôle Autisme

In 2015, in the international cooperation program, thanks to the project funding from the Dora Foundation - Switzerland, the first group of 6 Morning Star teachers were directly trained as ESDM therapists from experienced experts from Best Star Clinic in accordance with the training process of MIND Academy, UC Davis. 4 in 6 teachers received international certification after training. From February 2016 until now, Morning Star Center has organized the ESDM program intervention, with the active participation of parents. From practical experience, this is an early intervention model that is highly effective for the development of ASD children. Additionally, these experiences have also helped clarify some limitations and inadequacies of applying the original ESDM method and propose solutions to increase effective intervention.

Ms. Fanny Mayjonade attends a personal lesson of an ESDM therapist

From 2016 until now, the center has continued to carry out two parallel activities: teaching and learning, always accompanied by support from experts from MIND Academy with online instruction to further improve teachers' skills in providing intervention for children. This year, after 3 years of the COVID-19 epidemic, operations have returned to normal in all aspects. Morning Star Center is very honored to welcome Ms. Fanny Mayjonade - psychologist, autism expert, applied behavior analyst, ESDM therapist and lecturer from Fondation Pôle Autisme, Switzerland to teach and train our teachers & staff from October 2 to October 26, 2023. For nearly a month, she attended classes run by therapists following the Denver model to help teachers further improve their capacity and quality of intervention. After each session, she shared her thoughts directly. In addition, she also organized training sessions in small and large groups to support teachers in updating and improving their knowledge as well as innovations and improvements of the current ESDM program. 

Ms. Fanny Mayjonade trains and shares her experience with a group of ESDM personal therapists

After the end of the program, 28 Morning Star teachers and therapists were happy to receive certificates of completion of the Denver training course by Ms. Fanny Mayjonade.

On behalf of Morning Star Center's leadership, we would like to send our sincere thanks to Ms. Fanny Mayjonade for spending her valuable time supporting the center, helping to further improve the capacity of teachers as well as the quality of intervention for children to help them soon integrate into the community.

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