Capacity building training program for Morning Star teachers by 2 Dutch experts

To celebrate November - the month of love, human affection, and teacher-student friendship; the month of Vietnamese Teachers' Day - Morning Star Center went through a week of hard work studying and improving knowledge under the guidance and sharing of two Dutch experts: Ms. Marian Fransen, speech therapist & Ms. Angelique Kester, occupational therapist.

The purpose of this training program is to update teachers and speech therapists about new methods that are more effective and suitable for children today. During the training process, the experts came to each class to observe each speech and sensory motor therapist so that they could share feedback and provide practical training to each student on new methods of intervention for children, guiding the integration of appropriate OT activities into the educational program in some classes. In addition, they also shared their experience, which helped teachers feel confident when applying these new therapeutic activities in the classroom through guidance on some additional teaching activities, assessment tools and finding solutions for sensory disorders, how to overcome some difficulties in children and support them during the process such as: picky eating, challenging behaviors, etc.

Ms. Angelique Kester shares and provides practical training to the group of therapists in the motor and sensory rehabilitation team 

Before leaving the center, the experts had a full-day training session for the entire center on developing teachers' skills in teaching, improving students' communication skills and how to enhance collaboration between teachers, speech therapists and parents in developing children's communication and language abilities in a variety of settings and in a multidisciplinary approach. That session helped teachers gain a better overview and coordinate more and more closely between different specialists in intervention activities for children, promoting more comprehensive and effective developments for the intervention process.

Ms. Marian Fransen observes a speech therapist's lesson

A particularly moving saying from Ms. Marian Fransen is: "Each child is unique, so we must adjust to that uniqueness." That's why the center's teachers and therapists are always flexible and try to develop the most suitable programs for each child to ensure that the intervention process achieves the best results, helping children improve their skills comprehensively.

After a week of direct training, 67 teachers, therapists, and staff from the center received certifications of completion for the short-term training course shared by the experts.

Speech therapists took commemorative photos with Dutch experts after receiving their certificates

 On behalf of the center's leadership, we would like to send our sincere thanks to Ms. Marian Fransen & Ms. Angelique Kester for spending their valuable time supporting the center, helping our teachers and staff further improve their capacity and skills in order to improve the quality of intervention for children to a new level. The children will benefit from this and integrate into the community even earlier thanks to the program.

All teachers and staff of Morning Star Center took commemorative photos with the experts

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