Japanese experts share "Creating Music" with Morning Star teachers

Tools that seem like nothing but are actually intriguing!

The cups and bamboo tubes that feel intimately familiar!

The exciting sound of knocking, the drama of bamboo pipes!

Each sound brings familiar experiences, but along with it is an interesting and creative experience.

On September 11-13, 2023, Ms. Hiromi Oka, lecturer at the Department of Social Welfare at Hanazono University, worked directly with children in class groups of Morning Star Center on a program called "Creating Music". Using simple, familiar tools, she created interesting and effective therapeutic activities for children undergoing intervention at the center.

The Board of Directors and all the children studying at the center would like to send sincere thanks to Ms. Hiromi Oka and the delegation of Japanese experts for visiting and providing professional support to the Center. We hope that the cooperation between the two sides will further develop.

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